Calculator App

I was intimidated by this project before I even started it. You think of a calculator and imagine a lot of math going into it to function. However, this project went pretty smooth for me. I think by the time I arrived at it something had clicked inside my brain and I finally "got it" in a sense. I was able to get the basics up and running fairly smoothly and the rest of my time was spent adding quality of life features and ironing out edge cases and the occasional bug. I will say that it would be nice to automate the bug testing in some way, because it is a rather time consuming and repetitive process. This project really did help me gain some confidence in my ability to write Javascript, and understand what I'm writing as well. All that's left is to see if I still feel this way after the next project...

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Tic-Tac-Toe App

The tic-tac-toe game turned out to be a bit more puzzling than I thought it would be. In retrospect it wasn't a hard project, but it was right at the point where the difficulty was ramping up and I still wasn't quite comfortable with JavaScript. By the end of it however, I felt I was a lot stronger with it than when I started. The main challenge I had trouble with was dynamically rendering hy html through Javascript, as this was something I had never done before. By the end I felt I had a good grasp on the concept, but it made styling my page a much bigger challenge than I had originally anticipated. Going forward I'm looking to expand on this project by experimenting with machine learning, similary to MENACE.

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Weather App

This was the first of four projects we did on our more advanced look at vanilla JavaScript. We were tasked with building a weather app that would pull local weather based on a zip code input by the user. The big focus with this project was the use of an API as well as importing a JSON file for the data. All in all this was probably the simplest of the four projects, and I definitely learned some useful skills moving forward, especially with API keys, which is something I will definitely be using with my final project.

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Bouncing Balls

This project was our first dive into Javascript objects. We made a simple game involving a number of balls bouncing on screen and a player controlled circle tried to capture them all. Objects and prototypes seem like a rather difficult concept to wrap my head around, but they seem to have a lot of applications, so I'm interested to see what we do with them going forward.

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Campaign Website

This project required me to make a campaign website for a fictional candidate running for Constable. The main goal of this project was to familiarize ourselves with bootstrap. This mainly involved using as little css as possible and mixing and matching various bootstrap components. This project also had us create personas and stories for helping with the layout of our website, explaining how someone would use our site if they were to open up to it.

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Mind Reader

The Mind Reader project was mainly a demonstration of single page applications and working with states. It runs through a game where the user is asked to pick a number from a range of 01 - 99, and follow the prompts on the screen. At the end the program returns a symbol to correspond with whatever symbol the user picked. This was the final project we did before the pre-work ended and the classes officially started, and it was probably my favorite project of the pre-work itself. There was much less hand holding than most of the previous projects so far and it really showed me how useful things like pusedocode are to helping initialize projects.

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Digital Clock

The next two projects can be grouped together as the tasks were so similar to each other. The digital clock is -you guessed it- a clock that displays the time for you! This project was rather simple, especially following the previous project of the countdown timer, as both of these were focused on learning about increments and the Date object.

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Countdown Timer

As mentioned above the countdown timer ties into the digital clock in quite a few ways. They both were very informing about the Date object as well as intervals and other timing methods. As you can probably figure from the title of this project the purpose is to count down to a specific time and alert the user when that happens.

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Image Gallery

This project was an interesting one for sure. The goal was to be able to select an image and blow it up into the viewer. This is definitely something I can see myself using in the future as I do my own photography from time to time, and being able to display photos in an interesting way is always a good thing. My one issue with this project is that you are provided with a lot of code to start with, which does take away from the challenge that I feel is important to a new developer.

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Silly Story Generator

The silly story generator was our first project with Javascript. Nothing too high concept here, it was just an exercise in functions and if statements, as well as declaring variables. It did help me learn the importance of proper syntax with Javascript though.

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Splash Page

This project was all about page layouts and relative sizing for images, a very useful skill to have when dealing with varying screen sizes. Formatting for mobile is a very big priority. All in all, this project was rather simple, as most elements were provided from the start.

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